If You Want The Government To Have No Say . . .
I just did a will for a client who “want[ed] the government to get nothing!” I was pleased to help her as she directed, and made a will that explicitly stated that her estate was to go to charity if none of her heirs could be found.
If you want to make sure the government has no say in how things turn out with your estate (or who raises your kids), you have to make sure to leave a will behind to tell your family what to do. A trust can make it even easier because it helps your heirs bypass the probate court by empowering the successor to act for you with the assets after you die. What that means is that whoever you want to take of things can go right ahead and do what you want them to without getting a court order to do it. If you really want the government to have no say, get a trust.
Wills are good for telling your family who should take care of your kids if you die. The government can’t step in and veto it.
Keep control of your estate. Keep the government away if you want. Get a will or trust today. I do free consultations.
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