I Love It When a Plan Comes Together . . .
Recently I did a will for a man who was literally on his deathbed. He knew he was about to go, and he wanted things to be done how he wanted. I was able to meet with him in the hospital and ask the right questions. We drafted a will. I brought in witnesses and a notary and we got it executed. After he passed I got it filed with the Court and had the heirs give me permission to waive any time constraints or objections after I filed his probate documents with the Court. The Executor was appointed quickly. The estate was liquidated without any fighting or administrative screw-ups. It was like clockwork. And it was just what he wanted.
There were steps in between though. His widow was still on the title. She had no will. I was able to get him to sign the right papers to file with the County so his was the only name on the title when he passed. The house was sold without any glitches with the title. Because he trusted an experienced attorney to do what he needed, my client got everything he wanted, and more. He got peace of mind knowing everything would work out and the people he cared about would get what he wanted them to get. His plan came together because he made a plan.
Just imagine the peace of mind we could all have if we would take the time to do a will now instead of on our deathbeds. All of our instructions could be laid out for our loved ones. We can look at them and know that they will be taken care of because we did the right thing.
If you are ready to make a will, call me today. I give discounts for couples who draft them at the same time. The wills give you peace of mind. Now.
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