Because Sometimes They Are Innocent . . .


A lot of people wonder how someone could be a criminal defense attorney.  I give a lot of different answers.  Most of them are jokes.  "Someone has to  . . . " "Because after seeing the 'Italian Job' I just love to see people get away with things . . ."  "Because I get to feel superior to all my clients . . ." (Not all the jokes are funny, sorry.) 

The serious answer is more boring, but nonetheless true.  Because people have rights and if no one is there to help them understand that or take advantage of those rights, then the government could run roughshod over those rights.  That is not what the Constitution demands.

Today I helped a man keep his drivers license at his Utah Drivers License hearing.  I had requested it for him after he hired me.  If we had not requested it, he would have lost his license automatically.  At the hearing we discovered that the blood test he submitted to showed ZERO alcohol or drugs of any kind.  He is innocent.  He did not drive drunk or under the influence of anything.   He gets to keep his license.  Now I just have to make sure the government doesn't make another mistake by trying to prosecute him for DUI.  He has the right to be presumed innocent.  And he is.  And he has an experienced Utah DUI Attorney to make sure he stays that way.


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