Avoiding Supervised Probation
J. Mark Edwards
Attorney at Law
Avoiding Supervised Probation: Your Attorney Knows Better
A lot of my Utah criminal clients are actually guilty. I know. Big shocker. What? Utah criminal law clients commit crimes? Whoa. I have had a lot of people tell me they did it. Those are the normal ones. The ones who just want to take responsibility and move on. Who have learned their lesson, have been completely freaked out by the prospect of having to go to court and learn that their actions can actually lead to, wait for it, . . . JAIL TIME.
Most first time offenders don't go to jail. Especially if they have an experienced Utah criminal defense attorney. One who understands that the prosecutor has certain requirements in offering pleas in Utah criminal cases, but that those requirements can be fluid depending on the specific situation.
One thing prosecutors realize is that not every offender can go to jail. But a lot can be on supervised probation. What is that? It is where the defendant pleads guilty, sits down with a probation officer, and gets evaluated. Often times these probation officers have incentive to rehabilitate (see enroll the defendants in many programs that they offer, oh yeah, and charge for) the defendants and track their progress and drug test them (even when the offender in no way had any ties to drugs-because, oh yeah, they charge for the tests). Each visit to probation carries a charge. It is expensive, and time consuming.
Then there is court probation. That is where the defendant is required to be on good behavior by not committing any more crimes. And they get to live their lives. And work. And be home with their families where they belong.
A good criminal defense attorney will make sure that whenever possible, the clients that actually did it end up on court probation. Because who do you trust? Someone who wants to rehabilitate you (charge you lots of money), or your experienced Utah Criminal Attorney who is looking out for you? Easy choice.
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